Wild Florida Photo - Actenodes simi  - Metalic Wood-boring Beetle

Actenodes simi  

Metalic Wood-boring Beetle

Florida native

Volusia Co. FL 04/09/20
Volusia Co. FL 04/09/20
Volusia Co. FL 04/09/20
Volusia Co. FL 04/09/20

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This is one of the species of Actenodes in North America that does not have conspicuous green or copper-colored markings on the elytra, which are uneven. Actenodes simi has a fourth segment of the antenna that is only slightly triangular and just barely wider than the third segment. A. acornis has an antenna where the fourth segment is markedly triangular and nearly twice as wide as the third segment.


Actenodes simi is a member of the Buprestidae - Metallic Wood-boring Beetles family.

For more information on this species, visit the following link:
BugGuide.net page for this species

Date record last modified: Apr 24, 2020

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com