Wild Florida Photo - Lantana depressa - Pineland Lantana

Lantana depressa  var. depressa 

Pineland Lantana
Rockland Shrubverbena
Depressed Shrubverbena

Florida native

Endemic to Florida

Endangered Florida species

Volusia Co. FL (landscape) 06/05/05
Volusia Co. FL (landscape) 06/05/05
Volusia Co. FL (landscape) 06/05/05

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The natural range of this low-spreading woody shrub is limited to the pine rocklands of southern Miami-Dade County.
The leaves of the depressa species are ovate-elliptic to lanceolate-elliptic and the margins are curved inward. The variety depressa is prostrate or decumbent to 0.5 meters tall with leaves usually 1-3 cm long.
Considerable controversy surrounds the genus Lantana, mostly due to the invasive non-native L. camera which has contaminated the gene pool of the native lantanas creating many hybrids.


Lantana depressa is a member of the Verbenaceae - Verbena family.

Other species of the Lantana genus in the Wild Florida Photo database:
  Lantana depressa var. floridana - FLORIDA LANTANA
  Lantana strigocamara - LANTANA

Date record last modified: Aug 07, 2016

Paul Rebmann Nature Photography at pixels.com